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International Museum Day Celebrated Across China

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International Museum Day Celebrated Across China

 May 18, 2022
International Museum Day Celebrated Across China
People watch dinosaur fossils at Nanjing Museum in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, May 17, 2022. The International Museum Day, which falls on May 18, is being celebrated with a variety of online and offline activities across China. [Photo by Su Yang/Xinhua]


International Museum Day Celebrated Across China
Students visit a virtual exhibition of the National Museum of China in Xingtai, north China's Hebei Province, May 17, 2022. The International Museum Day, which falls on May 18, is being celebrated with a variety of online and offline activities across China. [Photo by Zhang Chi/Xinhua]


International Museum Day Celebrated Across China
Students visit a stone museum in Hengyang, central China's Hunan Province, May 17, 2022. The International Museum Day, which falls on May 18, is being celebrated with a variety of online and offline activities across China. [Photo by Cao Zhengping/Xinhua]


International Museum Day Celebrated Across China
Students look at exhibits at a museum in Hai'an, east China's Jiangsu Province, May 17, 2022. The International Museum Day, which falls on May 18, is being celebrated with a variety of online and offline activities across China. [Photo by Zhai Huiyong/Xinhua]


International Museum Day Celebrated Across China
People visit a canal museum in Yangzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, May 17, 2022. The International Museum Day, which falls on May 18, is being celebrated with a variety of online and offline activities across China. [Photo by Meng Delong/Xinhua]


International Museum Day Celebrated Across China
Students visit a museum in Ganzhou, east China's Jiangxi Province, May 17, 2022. The International Museum Day, which falls on May 18, is being celebrated with a variety of online and offline activities across China. [Photo by Hu Jiangtao/Xinhua]


International Museum Day Celebrated Across China
People visit the Geological Museum of Guizhou in Guiyang, southwest China's Guizhou Province, May 17, 2022. The International Museum Day, which falls on May 18, is being celebrated with a variety of online and offline activities across China. [Photo by Deng Gang/Xinhua]


International Museum Day Celebrated Across China
A visitor looks at an exhibit at Guizhou Provincial Museum in Guiyang, southwest China's Guizhou Province, May 17, 2022. The International Museum Day, which falls on May 18, is being celebrated with a variety of online and offline activities across China. [Photo by Zhang Hui/Xinhua]


International Museum Day Celebrated Across China
People visit Suzhou Museum in Suzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, May 17, 2022. The International Museum Day, which falls on May 18, is being celebrated with a variety of online and offline activities across China. [Photo by Wang Jiankang/Xinhua]


International Museum Day Celebrated Across China
People visit a museum in Ji'an, east China's Jiangxi Province, May 17, 2022. The International Museum Day, which falls on May 18, is being celebrated with a variety of online and offline activities across China. [Photo by Li Jun/Xinhua]


(Source: Xinhua)


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